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An abandoned dog is recovering after it was found shot multiple times with a cracked skull on the outskirts of Las Vegas, a nonprofit animal shelter said.
"Max was shot multiple times and found lying on the side of the road on the far east side of Las Vegas," The Animal Foundation posted on Facebookthis week.

The foundation posted photos of Max, who they believe to be 2 years old, calling the pooch a "sweet and loving boy" that was in "miserable" distress after he was found on Dec. 28.

Numerous bullet fragments were pulled from Max's head, back and shoulder, and he also suffered a fractured skull, the group said.
"Someone shot Max," The Animal Foundation posted. "We're not sure how long he has been on his own, but our veterinary team believes the gunshot wounds are older due to the level of infection present."

The group’s veterinarians were able to remove the bullet fragments, clean the wounds and administer antibiotics and pain medication.
The foundation says Max has been trusting with every team member who comes near him despite the trauma he endured, and a Facebook post days later said the 2-year-old canine is recovering nicely.

The Animal Foundation

Jan 26, 2023·

Max found his forever family!
This brave boy was just adopted by his foster family. Who doesn't love a good foster win? We certainly couldn't be happier for Max and his new family.
Max was brought to us after being found with multiple gunshot wounds and needed urgent life-saving medical care. He went through multiple surgeries, and daily wound cleaning, and stayed loving and kind the whole time.
Since Max has been adopted, his wounds have fully healed, he is recovering fantastically, and his family renamed him Logan! He gets along well with his new fur siblings and loves to snuggle in his new sweater. He adores his new people and says hello by slamming his body into them, but in a nice way.
Thanks to the generous donations from the community to our CARE Fund, we were able to give this gentle guy a new lease on life. This fund is used solely for animals that need severe medical care in extreme circumstances.
Learn more about Max’s journey and recovery here: https://bit.ly/3ZbZ5zb
