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The Californian
Bold Member!
As the world turns

Meet the new Left, who think Hamas are good and that Swastikas are woke​

Earlier this month on X, Harris responded to CNN’s Jake Tapper’s report that the Pennsylvania synagogue he had bar mitzphaed at had been vandalised with a swastika. Harris didn’t condemn the anti-Semitic graffiti but indirectly praised it. The meaning of the Nazi symbol had been reversed from bad to good, Harris said, “from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide.”

America is evil, Hamas is good, and swastikas are now woke. This is your brain on All One Thingism.
It’s narcissistic identity politics on steroids, one where specific conditions and geography melt away completely. It’s no longer enough to have solidarity with the people of Palestinians in their time of plight; you must be them. Are you fat, trans, and live in, say, Evanston, Illinois? You are somehow in a shared position with starved and bombed-out citizens of Gaza. “Palestine is a flat circle,” you can almost hear True Detective’s Rust Cohle murmur if he were a contemporary campus radical.

Other faiths too I've noticed. This is what being rigid does. If one isn't mentally/intellectually a bit limber, one ends up being eaten by their compatriots for not adhering to the ever-changing yet utterly inflexible "rules"... :facepalm:
“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau.” ― Ludwig von Mises, Bureaucracy
Huh. Who's turn was it to bring refreshments for the gathering of the "Know nothing but don't care club"?

Did y'all suck up the Jagermeister in advance as usual?


Malcolm Harris, the freelance writer? Who wrote about Jake Tapper on his X account? Yeah he doesn't speak for anybody. The Telegraph, Yahoo just repeats Tory/Republican leaning shit and posters here rightly so think no one looks.


Ludwig von Mises is being quoted and applauded?
The xenophobic elitist who served up schweinescheisse to prove why workers should bow before their capitalist masters?


Too many Jews brought this on themselves.

Ohhhhh, and there we go.
Mises was a Jew:

“Under capitalism the common man enjoys amenities which in ages gone by were unknown and therefore inaccessible even to the richest people. But, of course, these motorcars, television sets and refrigerators do not make a man happy. In the instant in which he acquires them, he may feel happier than he did before. But as soon as some of his wishes are satisfied, new wishes spring up. Such is human nature.”
― Ludwig Von Mises, The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality

“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.”
― Ludwig von Mises

“Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.”
― Walter E. Williams

“But let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?”
― Walter E. Williams, All It Takes Is Guts: A Minority View

“Another strange notion pervading whole peoples is that the State has money of its own; and nowhere is this absurdity more firmly fixed than in America. The State has no money. It produces nothing. It existence is purely parasitic, maintained by taxation; that is to say, by forced levies on the production of others. “Government money,” of which one hears so much nowadays, does not exist; there is no such thing.”
― Albert Jay Nock, Memoirs of a Superfluous Man

“All the power [the State] has is what society gives it, plus what it confiscates from time to time on one pretext or another; there is no other source from which State power can be drawn. Therefore every assumption of State power, whether by gift or seizure, leaves society with so much less power.”
― Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, the State
If these college students want to support Hamas, I say instead of federal dollars going to their universities, use some of the money to buy them one-way airline tickets to Palestine. See how well they do over there.